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TITLE; between car & motor...
9/21/12 | 11:01 PM | 0 Like purple like me
lately many people ask me if I wanna take a license...
it's not that I don't want to take it but it just that it take a time n budget to do it...
well, no money no talk bha orang bilang...

now I'm in the process of collecting money...
mau harap org tua apa la bha dorg mampu kasi...
sudala byk tanggungan...
kesian la bha...
so I wanna be an independent...

sudala dorg susah payah cari duit utk aku sambung bljr ni mau minta sponsor ambik lesen g...
no thanks!
I rather use my tulang 4 kerat find my own money with my own effort...
beside, it's good to be independent as you will learn how to survive in the real world instead of depending on your parents...
unless you're come from a rich family then it's ok la...

berbalik kepada entri ku diatas...
aku x tau mau pilih samada mau ambil lesen kereta atau motor...
sebab dua2 pn aku mau...
banyakla opinion yg aku dapat dari orang sekeliling...
ada yg cakap kereta n ada pula yg cakap motor...

so aku xtau mana satu harus d pilih...
alang2 baik aku naik basikal ja kn???
sampai skg aku masi befikir...
hmm...xpala...sampai masanya dua2 ble aku dpt...

till then...assalammualaikum...(^^)

p/s: sori ye kalau post ku ni ringkas ja...masi g mamai2 bha ni...maklumla lama uda x update...hihi

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